Small Groups

Small groups are the core of the Church. Join a Sunday School class or find a Bible Study group!

Sunday School Options

We have different Adult classes available during our Sunday School hour from 9:30-10:30am on Sunday mornings, between services.

First Steps

Starting Sunday, August 4th, we will begin a new Sunday School series studying the “first steps” that infant Christian church took following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The study will begin with the mission to the world and end with Paul’s journey to Rome. Some of the major ideas explored by the study are: “(1) a Gospel that cannot be contained, (2) divine initiative and human responsibility, (3) the subtle work of the Holy Spirit, (4) what holds us together, and (5) the plight of theology in a cynical world.”

If you are interested in taking your “first step” into studying the Bible or taking your next “first step” along your bible study path, please email Skip Mahan ( a word of interest or curiosity for a copy of our syllabus for this 13-week study. The new books will be available on Sunday, July 28th, in classroom 302 or on the information counter in the Gathering Area. Take a look at the book and join our study.

Please see the announcement in the Sunday Bulletin or the August edition of the SonLight for more information. Dave Hunt and Skip Mahan look forward to having you join us for this “first step” forward into being a church.


These groups may or may not have regular meeting times, but they are active within Sulphur Grove and our community.

Care Team

Join Pastor Bonnie and the rest of our Care Team as they make visits, calls, send cards, and generally check in on members and friends of Sulphur Grove who are homebound, in care facilities, having surgery, or dealing with other things that need care.

Contact Pastor Bonnie about joining the team, or click below to help update our records for those in the hospital, in a care facility, or homebound.

United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith encourage growth in Christian faith, meaningful fellowship, mission education, Christian social involvement and fund raising for local, national and international mission. The Caritas and New Dimensions Circles are two small groups that helps us in filling the mission and purpose of this group.

Contact Sue Breisch about joining one of our Circles!

Find a Small Group

These groups have regular meeting times - some weekly, some monthly. Find the one that will let you get connected!